So I've been updating things silently, and realized it'd be best if I post what and when I update on this blog. Here's some recent things:
boUtilities 2.2: Added new utils!:
Lock File Texture Paths
Unlock File Texture Paths
Find PSDs
Find Multi-Shader Geo
Render Stats
Z Depth Shader
nCloth Preroll Utility
Changed the layed to be tabbed, for space reasons (it was growing)
Separated some larger utilities into companion scripts (currently 6)
Check the description for all required/companion mel scripts
Triggers 1.3.9: Referenced objects can now be trigger objects
Mac compatible
Ghosting 1.5 Selected time range is used to create multiple ghosts at once
Selected keys are also used
(ghosts are created at each selected keyframes time)
As always, updates are available on my
scripts site!