Thursday, September 3, 2009

Notepad ++ Mel Language

So I've gone through many text editors, and although Komodo is pretty much my favorite, Notepad ++ is undeniably quick and lite, and extremely easy to install on a usb flash drive. Writing User Defined Languages in Notepad ++ is extremely simple as I recently found out, so I decided to edit the 1.0.1 mel udl that has been floating around (on highend and other places).

I've added back quotes (`) as string delimiters, as well as signifying words that start with $ as variables (so you can easily find them!). I've also changed the default color scheme to something a little easier on the eyes and more appealing. Apparently there's no way to fix (enable) escaped string characters, so that's still a present glitch ("hello \"world\"!" is syntactically highlighted as two strings, not one).

Anyway, feel free to grab the plugin. If you have the most recent version of Notepad ++ you can also now grab my styles definition (the darker colored syntax highlighting seen below).

The insertExt.ini and userDefineLang.xml should go in the applications data folder which is usually in user/AppData or something similar. If you've installed npp on a flash drive, then chances are the app data folder is the Notepad ++ folder. The mel.xml goes in plugins, or plugins/APIs. Also, if you grab the Bo Style version, you'll need to put the Bo Style.xml in the themes folder, and choose it with the style configurator (Settings > Style Configurator), you should also enable global background color.



  1. great, many thanks. Normaly I use notepad++ to make my mel scripts but with the color of other languages, now you change my life...thanks :P

  2. hello
    i'm download this scripts from:

    here is the files' name


    where should place these files?

    my notepad++ v5.5.1 install path is C:\Program Files\Notepad++

    my email

    thank you
    i hope you know whats i mean.

  3. HI ,thanks for all the stuff and the help on the site .

    l hope you help me with this one too , l am facing the same problem l dont know how to intall mel with into notepad++.
    here is my emmail

  4. Hi, I couldn't get this plug-in to work, is this a mac only plug-in? There is no user/AppData folders on a pc. Please let me know at, thank you.
